Medical certificate Apply for swimming lessons and common documents

Necessary documents for those learning to swim or apply for membership to use a public swimming pool “ Medical certificate Apply for swimming lessons ” or “Swimming Medical Certificate” a physical examination document used to confirm that your body is healthy. and not suffering from a contagious disease that can put others at risk and

“For your own safety as well. Because if you aren’t in good health, it may cause you to be at risk while studying or while using the swimming pool.”

Topics regarding medical certificates Apply for swimming lessons

What is a medical certificate for swimming lessons?

What is a medical certificate for swimming lessons?

Medical certificate Applying for swimming lessons is a medical certificate. used for applying for swimming lessons or apply for access to the swimming pool This depends on the club, swimming pool or swimming school as well. Some places need to use it. Or sometimes there is no need to use it.

“Therefore, swimming students or those applying to use the swimming pool should ask for specific details first.”

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Price of medical certificate Apply for swimming lessons

Medical certificate Apply for swimming lessons. Package price 650 baht.

Note : If there are additional checklists in addition to the checklists in this package There will be an additional service charge. Before receiving the examination, you can ask the staff before receiving the service.

Health Check-up Program Apply for swimming lessons with a medical certificate

 medical certificate form Apply for swimming lessons

 Where is a medical certificate required for swimming?

Swimming medical certificate is most often used when applying to use a public swimming pool such as a sports training center, swimming club, or applying for a group swimming class. This depends on the swimming pool provided. or a swimming coach that is required Medical certificate or not, but most require a physical examination and request for a medical certificate. Because the swimming pool has a large number of people using it. If the person using the service is sick Or is it a contagious disease that can spread the infection quickly?


For example, it would be during Songkran, April 13-14, 2024, 65 children who went to play foam parties at the Songkran festival in Suphanburi Province were infected with the Rotavirus. which is water that comes from the temple tap Mixed with water in the banana plantation canal. It is believed that the water in the banana plantation canal is contaminated. Therefore causing people who play foam to get rotavirus.

‘From this case it can be seen that there are contaminants in the water. Can spread quickly Therefore, having a physical examination before using the swimming pool is considered something we can do for people in society.’

Request a medical certificate from Intouch Medicare

Apply for swimming pool membership Apply for swimming lessons What documents are used?

Apply for swimming pool membership Apply for swimming lessons What documents are used?

Documents for applying for swimming lessons There are no fixed requirements. It depends on the club. Swimming pool being serviced By documents for applying for swimming lessons Or apply for membership in swimming pools that are commonly found, including :

  • Photo size 2 inches
  • ID card
  • Copy of house registration
  • Medical certificate Apply for swimming lessons Issued by a doctor who has a license to practice medicine. 

 Medical certificate document Apply for swimming lessons 

Medical certificate, swimming, what health check?

Health check list, medical certificate, swimming are as follows:

Basic health check

Initial physical examination by a doctor Taking the history of the service recipient related to health, including weight, height, illness history, allergy history, congenital diseases, and basic history taking to ensure that the service recipient does not have any wounds or abscesses inside the clothing, etc.

Other health tests such as checking the appearance of the external skin, hearing checked by a doctor, checking vital signs (Vital signs) and basic vision testing. Listening to heart and lung sounds, etc.

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Chest X-ray (Chest X-ray)

Chest or lung x-ray It is a checklist to check the appearance of the lungs to see if there are ‘white patches’ as spots inside the lung tissue or not. Has the heart grown in size? To help make a preliminary diagnosis of various diseases and to see abnormalities in the lung structure

“If the patient has a chest x-ray If abnormalities are found, it may cause breathing difficulties. or feeling tired Difficulty breathing While swimming and exercising. Especially in the elderly, people with chronic diseases. and those who smoke regularly.”

SUPITCHA BUENGJAN, MD,, General Practitioner, GP Intouchmedicare

Who shouldn’t use the swimming pool?

If you have a physical examination or notice that you have the following symptoms, you should avoid using the swimming pool.

  1. People who are sick with skin disease Diseases that can be contacted or can spread the infection to others 
  2. People who have an allergic reaction to chlorine Swimming in chlorinated swimming pools should be avoided. But you can choose to use a saltwater swimming pool instead.
  3. People with open wounds, abrasions, or scabs.

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Latest edit : 07/05/2024

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